Neighbors, whenever you're in Morgan Memorial Park this summer enjoying the concerts, viewing the Fourth of July fireworks, or strolling the beautiful grounds, please pause to remember our veterans. I fondly recall Corporal Valentino Acocella, the first veteran I met in Glen Cove.
His love of country and pride in her defense were evident to all who were fortunate to spend time with him. I know he would be exceedingly proud of his granddaughter Danielle Fugazy Scagliola who's tireless efforts to secure funding and location made this program possible.
Lydia Wen Rodgers
Archivist/ Librarian, Glen Cove Library
Danielle Fugazy Scagliola has been an instrumental part in raising funds for 2 new scoreboards at John Maccarone Memorial Stadium. She is also a volunteer coach for both of her daughters' teams. Danielle is very focused on making youth sports in Glen Cove a huge success which is so important to our community. Thank you Danielle!
Kim Kessel
President Glen Cove Baseball & Softball Association
It is with great thanks to Councilwoman Danielle Fugazy Scagliola, the Glen Cove Police Department and Phyllis Burnett, our medical transportation service is still up and running with the retired police vehicle."
The Glen Cove Senior Center
The GC High School art department collaborated with the B.I.D. on art work on the five banners placed throughout downtown Glen Cove from July to August . This art work not only represents Downtown Sounds but also represents the City of Glen Cove. Thank you Mayor Panzenbeck, for her support, Principal Allen Hudson, Art co-ordinator Lawerence Nadel, Art Teachers LeeAnn Palazzo and Kathleen Doughtery.
Thank you also to City Councilwoman Danielle Fugazy- Scagliola and all the students that submitted art work for this program.
The Downtown B.I.D.
A special shout-out to Danielle Fugazy-Scagliola and the Glen Cove Educational Foundation! Your continuous support and commitment to our school community are invaluable. Through your efforts, you've provided us with the resources and opportunities needed to bring this project to life. We are forever grateful for your unwavering dedication!
Principal Nelson Iocolano
Glen Cove Middle School
Danielle is an amazing person who has a tremendous sense of Glen Cove Pride and truly cares about everyone in the community. In fact, during the pandemic, my wife and I started delivering food to families in need but didn't know how we were going to sustain the food/funds to continue to support them. Within a few days of advertising the pantry to the public, Danielle stepped in!! Matter fact, she physically helped prepare food boxes, distributed food to families in need and through multiple generous donors, she provided us with huge donations that allowed us to sustain the program for nearly a year. She doesn't ask for accolades nor does she brag or post about the great things she has done and continues to do in the community...
Instead she lives by the biblical scripture Mark 6:3 "But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth"
She is truly a blessing to the Glen Cove community.
Alan Hudson
Parent, Glen Cove Resident, Principal GCHS
You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan
My favorite people are those who work quietly and consistently behind the scenes to help others and never once ask for anything in return. It shows me everything I need to know about that individual and our community has no shortage of my kind of people. On behalf of the Porch Pantry we would like to say thank you to our anonymous donor of the incredibly generous donation of $5000 to help support local families in urgent need.
Thank you Danielle Fugazy Scagliola, Glen Cove City Council for facilitating and understanding the importance of building relationships, connections, and creating a more inclusive & secure environment for all.
Kim Velentzas
Parent, Glen Cove Resident, Co-Founder of the Porch Pantry
he support Danielle Fugazy Scagliola has shown to The Porch Pantry has been integral in helping to feed more than 275 Glen Cove families, who experience food insecurity. Thanks to her efforts in obtaining over $30,000 in private donations for food pantries, we have been able to continue the work we started when the COVID pandemic began. Danielle has also given of her time, making deliveries for The Porch Pantry when needed and has facilitated connections for us, to other non-profits, who have run food drives benefitting The Porch Pantry and made generous food donations to us. Danielle’s dedication to ALL the residents of Glen Cove is apparent in the love & support she gives, with no hesitation. She has been an unwavering support to us since our inception and we can’t thank her enough for all she has done.
Kit Raper
Co-Founder Porch Pantry